Goals: Students will learn about color theory.
Objectives: Students will apply understanding of color theory to creation of animal grid.
Intended Audience: 8th Grade
New York Learning Standards Addressed:
1. Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes.
-Students will create animal grid.
2. Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes.
– Students will use oil pastels to make grid..
3. Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.
– Students will see application of color theory in professional art.
oil pastel
Pre-Requisite Knowledge: Students will use drawing skills.
Day One
1) Teacher will review color wheel with students, and define warm/cool colors, complimentary colors and neutral colors.
2) Students will select an animal, print out an image and sketch the animal on paper.
Day Two-four
1) Teacher will demonstrate good techniques for using oil pastels.
2) Students will divide their animal drawings into four quadrants. One quarter will be cool colors, one will be warm colors, one will be complimentary colors and the last will be neutral colors.
3) The grids will be put on a display board.
Students will be assessed on participation and application of color theory understanding.
Criteria |
Needs Improvement 1 |
Average 2 |
Above Average 3 |
Student participates and contributes to class discussion |
Student does not pay attention or distracts from learning |
Student listens but does not participate |
Student listens and actively contributes to class |
Student application of knowledge of color theory |
Student grid did not accurately divide color schemes |
Student accurately applied color schemes |
Student accurately applies color schemes and does high quality oil pastel drawing |