Goals: Students will learn about elements of design.

Objectives: Students will identify elements of design in magazines and be able to explain them.

Intended Audience: 6th Grade

New York Learning Standards Addressed:

2. Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes.
– Students will identify principles of design and create a graphic organizer.

3. Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought.
– Students will learn of principles of design and discuss examples presented.

4. Students will develop an understanding of the personal and cultural forces that shape artistic communication and how the arts in turn shape the diverse cultures of past and present society.
– Students will share their findings and explain principles of design in their own words.

Smart Board

Pre-Requisite Knowledge: Students should be familiar with some elements of art- line, shape, color, texture.

1) Teacher will present elements of design and lead classroom discussion.
2) Students will search through magazines for examples of elements of design in use in advertisements and photographs. Students will make posters, labeling their findings with appropriate terminology.
3) Students will share with the class.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on participation and understanding of elements of design.



Needs Improvement




Above Average


Student participates and contributes to class discussion

Student does not pay attention or distracts from learning

Student listens but does not participate

Student listens and actively contributes to class

Student identifies elements of design accurately

Student does not find examples of elements of design correctly

Student finds examples of elements of design

Student chooses examples of elements of design that are sophisticated and complex

Students explains and articulates understanding of elements of design

Student can not describe why an image exemplifies

elements of design

Student verbalizes basic understanding of elements of design utilized in images

Student articulates advanced and complex understanding of use of elements of design